recipes Pecorino Siciliano PDO


Pecorino Siciliano PDO is an excellent table cheese, especially with fresh or semi-aged types.
Seasoned DOP is widely used as a grating cheese, or to flavor the first courses, but also in combination with bread and olives to attenuate its characteristic spicy flavor.

Pecorino Siciliano PDO is marketed all year round and is best kept in a cool environment, or in the refrigerator in the least cold compartment. The ideal temperature is 4 ° C.
It is marketed in whole forms, in slices or in vacuum-packed portions. In any case, the real Pecorino Siciliano PDO must always bear the label with the logo, the PDO trademark, the number of the production dairy and the expiry date.

The organoleptic characteristics of Pecorino Siciliano PDO are characterized by its balanced flavor which is conferred by a set of elements.
Among these, the feeding of sheep plays a fundamental role, which influences the milk used for production, as well as the amount of fat present in it.


recipe Pecorino Siciliano PDO Proposed by https://www.zappalà.it

- Mushrooms
- Garlic
- Sicilian Pecorino Dop
- Extra virgin olive oil
- Lemon and Parsley
- Salt and pepper to taste

Clean the mushrooms well using a clean, damp cloth, remove the stems and dig them slightly inside. Leave them aside and take care of the filling.
In a saucepan, place a clove of garlic with a drizzle of water and bring to a boil, cook for about 3 minutes then drain the water. This step will serve to make the garlic more digestible.
Then crush the garlic clove and add it to the breadcrumbs, the grated Sicilian Pecorino DOP, the chopped parsley and the lemon juice. Mix everything and season with salt and pepper. If necessary, pour a little oil.
Take the mushrooms one by one and place a part of the filling inside them, place them on a baking sheet and cook at 180 ° for about 20 minutes, until a crust has formed. Let it rest for 5 minutes then serve.


recipe Pecorino Siciliano PDO Proposto da

- 100 gr of pear
- about 200 gr of onion from Giarratana
- 30 gr of Sicilian Pecorino PDO
- 2 or 3 dried tomatoes
- a handful of almonds
- 4 basil leaves
- extra virgin olive oil
- Salt to taste.

Fill a pot where you can cook the spaghetti. For 2 people about 150 g of pasta is enough.
In the meantime, organize the work by peeling the onion and pear, keeping aside a quarter of the onion and the peel of the pear.
Once it boils, add salt and cook the spaghetti, then dip the quarter of the onion from Giarratana.

After a couple of minutes the onion will be cooked. Check with a fork that the pulp is soft.
All that remains is to take the onion out of the pot and put it back in the hand blender.
Add 3/4 of raw pear, almonds, dried tomatoes and basil leaves.
Combine, then the 30 gr. of Pecorino Siciliano PDO.
pour the extra virgin olive oil and mix everything together, until you have obtained a smooth cream to use for the spaghetti sauce.

When the spagetti are cooked, drain, eliminating the cooking water and pour the pasta and sauce into the pot.
After a couple of stirring the spaghetti is ready.